Wednesday, August 22, 2007

August is the time for remembering old blogs, eh?


Thursday, August 29, 2002

Papa was a Rodeo, Mama was a Rock'n'Roll Band

I could play guitar and rope a steer before I learned to stand.

So anyway, I'm sitting here listenin' to the Magnetic Fields, I just watched Brazil for the first time, and the aftereffects of Allergy medicine ensure that I can't feel any part of my body. It's a strange, strange place I'm in at the moment, made all the stranger by the sounds of Passions coming from the television in the next room.

Trying to clarify what exactly I want to do with this site; my latest thoughts are using this as a place to engage in writing exercises. See, it'd give me a chance to vent about whatever since I'd use my life as material, but by focusing myself on writing a dialogue, a description, an anecdote in the style of Faulkner, in haiku, or in iambic pentameter, etc., (hopefully) I can improve my writing skills a bit.

As such, I probably won't do something with this site every day, and I'll have to set up a schedule in advance, but it could be fun. Sort of.

Anyways, that's probably not what I'll do at all. Re-launch is next Monday, though, come hell or high-water. Unless I decide not to.


Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Off to a rousing start, I've already deleted a post. Think I'm going to have to structure this a little better, perhaps specific exercises? I'll think about it.
Hmm... Blogger already acting up?

Monday, August 26, 2002

The Amphigorist Manifesto

Item the First,
That's Not a Real Word.

Yes, but it's derived from amphigory. You literate sorts may have heard of Amphigorey, by Edward Gorey, a very clever pun for what I've heard is a very clever book. You'll find nothing clever here, and precious little related to Edward Gorey unless I happen to read and review something he writes, which given the huge list of things I haven't read is unlikely for the immediate future. (You will find long-winded and unedited rants quite common around here, though.) Oh, and for us illiterates:

\Am"phi*go*ry\, n. [F. amphigouri, of uncertain derivation; perh. fr. Gr. ? + ? a circle.] A nonsense verse; a rigmarole, with apparent meaning, which on further attention proves to be meaningless.

or simply...

n : nonsensical writing (usually verse)

Clearly, amphigorist would mean one who writes such nonsense.

Item the Second,
A Statement of Intentions

This is to be my writing journal, in other word a place for me to mouth off without giving a thought to meaning or consequence. I'm forcing myself to write whatever comes to mind for a set period of time every morning (which roughly means that it'll be completely uninteresting to anyone) and I plan to do precious little editing (which means it'll be unreadable).

Nonetheless, I welcome any feedback about anything, so comment away.

Item the Third,
Which Does Not Exist

Just living up to my name.

Item the Fourth,
A Look into the FUTURE!?!

"Greetings my friend, we are all interested in the future for that is where you and I will spend the rest of our lives...and remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future...You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious...the unexplainable, that is why you are here."

(Criswell's opening monologue from "Plan 9 from Outer Space".)

For the time being this site will consist solely of the crap I produce every morning, any links that I find interesting, and crap I produce when I'm bored. Eventually, I also hope to have crap that I don't sell (est. roughly everything I write), crap in other mediums (comics, photography, storytelling games, perhaps even music and film someday), and an occasional ray of sunshine.

Item the Last,
And the Seventh Angel Shall Blow His Trumpet

"And in the midst of her, droves will certainly lie stretched out, all the wild animals of a nation. Both pelican and porcupine will spend the night right among her pillar capitals. A voice will keep singing in the window. There will be devastation at the threshold; for he will certainly lay bare the very wainscoting." -Zeph 2:14

Now with comments.
Another test.
So Here We Go

Yo. I'm Jonathan. This is my site, or it is until I can get the energy up to create somthing a little bigger. Right now I don't even have the energy to customize this blog as much as I'd like, so you're stuck with this crappy template. This here is mostly a trial, so I'll be posting my manifesto for this site later on today, if I feel like it.